What really helps against marionette wrinkles?
How to treat marionette wrinkles in a minimally invasive way – obtain maximum results with innovative Meso Threads
Removal and treatment of marionette wrinkles / wrinkles around the mouth in Munich
Marionette wrinkles which are also known as wrinkles around the mouth or mento labial folds/wrinkle, run vertically from the corners of the mouth down to the chin. They give the facial expression a permanent moody and grumpy appearance and we all know that the eyes of our counterparts often focus on our mouth.
The biological aging process and our permanent and unconscious facial expressions are the natural causes for the forming of marionette wrinkles and hanging corners to the mouth.
Fortunately, there are various treatment options of marionette wrinkles to give back to your skin a new elasticity, more volume and a refreshed and rejuvenated overall appearance.
In the following you will learn all about the different treatment methods of marionette wrinkles, which of them promises the best results and which treatment is the most appropriate for your individual marionette wrinkles and wrinkles around your mouth.
How do you treat Marionette lines?
May it be with injection of Hyaluronic acid or Botulinumtoxin, the deployment of a laser or by minimally invasively inserting innovative Meso threads: marionette wrinkles and wrinkles around the mouth can be treated in several ways.
To find out which treatment methods is the most appropriate for your individual marionette wrinkles there have to be considered different determinative factors like the manifestation, the depth and the shape of your marionette wrinkles. Furthermore the genetic predispositions of the skin and the intensity of the contraction of the muscles around the mouth also play an important role. In certain cases a combination of two or more treatment approaches can be more promising and can more likely lead to the desired results.
In a brief, there is no general answer for the question about the most appropriate treatment methods.
As a renowned specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery with a state-of-the-art equipped practice in Munich I distinguish about the following treatments of marionette wrinkles:
Use of meso threads against marionette wrinkles
The insertion of Meso Threads against marionette wrinkles and wrinkles around the mouth is carried out in a minimally invasive way with no need of a selective anaesthesia and completely without surgery. The intervention is carried out largely pain-free and the effects are immediately visible.
Another advantage of the Meso threads treatment consists in the fact that the threads (PDO threads or poly lactic acid/ PLA threads) are 100% degradable and stimulate the forming of body’s own collagen. This not only leads to a significant smoothing and tightening effect and to a new elasticity of the skin but at the same time lifts sagged skin areas.
Find a comprehensive summary of the advantages of the insertion of Meso threads against marionette wrinkles and of the various options thread lifting offers on my page Thread lifting with Meso Threads.
Eliminate marionette wrinkles
Tension threads with bidirectional barbs serve to tighten the skin
Plain threads without barbs are used to stretch the skin, to upholster deeper and pronounced wrinkles (filler) and to increase the production of endogenous collagen.

In a personal conversation I will consult you individually and in detail about the advantages and opportunities a Meso thread treatment against cheek wrinkles and wrinkles around the mouth offers. I am looking forward to your inquiry!
Marionette wrinkles and laser
During a treatment of marionette wrinkles with a skin-tightening laser existing creases and wrinkles around the mouth are reduced by the thermal transfer to the skin.
The heat penetrates the tissue under the skin and heats it up. The substructure of the skin is reinforced and the production of moisture-binding endogenous collagen is promoted.
As a pleasant side effect the self-healing forces of the body are activated.
It has to be mentioned that as the laser treatment is just one of various marionette wrinkles treatment options and as the laser can only reach upper skin layers this approaches suites best for superficial and light wrinkles around the mouth.
After a laser treatment there may occur temporary light to medium reddening or swellings on and around the treated areas which normally should subside after a few days.
I will gladly advice you in a initial personal consultation in my modern practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Munich about the requirements and options of the deployment of a laser for a marionette wrinkle lifting as well on the general pros and cons of a laser treatment.
Injections of Hyaluronic acid or Botulinumtoxin against marionette wrinkles
Marionette wrinkles/wrinkles around the mouth and hyaluronic acid
The injection of body-identical hyaluronic acid targets at an upholstering of already deep and pronounced marionette wrinkles and deep furrows form the inside. The hyaluronic acid is directly injected under the skin with a thin needle and functions as filling material.
In addition the injected hyaluronic acid also stimulates the cell renewal what finally leads to a firmer and skin and a wrinkle smoothening around the mouth area.
Anyhow there are side effects resulting from the injection of hyaluronic acid. Particularly noteworthy is reddening, swellings or light bruises on and around the treated areas which should normally subside after a short time.
It is also important to mention that hyaluronic acid degrades with time. So you should calculate to repeat the hyaluronic acid injection to smoothen marionette wrinkles after approx. six month to maintain the obtained results.
Marionette wrinkles/wrinkles aorund the mouth and Botulinumtoxin
Regarding the treatment of marionette wrinkles/wrinkles around the mouth with Botulinumtoxin the substance is injected with a very thin needle. Small doses of the nerve toxin ensure that the activiyt of the muscles around the mouth are inhibited. The reduced muscle activity prevents the deepening of already existing marionette wrinkles and/or the forming of new marionette wrinkles/wrinkles around the mouth.
Furthermore the skin experiences a visible smoothening after just a few days.
The suppression respectively the relaxation of the muscles last approx. three to six months involving a somewhat limited muscle activity and a limitation of the facial expression around the mouth.
To keep the obtained results the injection of Botulinumtoxin should be repeated.
In a personal conversation I will gladly advice you in detail how the injection of hyaluronic acid or Botulinumtoxin or a combination of both can lead to a smoothening of your individual marionette wrinkles and mimic folds.
Micro-Needling against marionette wrinkles/wrinkles around the mouth
During a Micro Needling treatment a so called dermaroller is rolled over the corresponding areas affected by marionette wrinkles.
The dermaroller is equipped with numerous needles of some millimetres length which penetrate the uppermost skin layer when rolled. The by doing so inflicted little wounds activate the self-healing power of the skin. As a result the blood circulation of skin is improved as well as the nutrients supply.
Finally, new tissue is formed and the production of new collagen and elastin fibers is stimulated.
The less prominent the wrinkles around the mouth are the better are the results that can be achieved with the micro-needling treatment.
In case of already deep and very prominent marionette wrinkles the needles have to be longer accordingly to reach the deeper skin layers. This, in turn, leads to deeper wounds and to longer periods of recovery.
As a result of the micro needling there can occur light swellings or reddening. In addition, there will be a secretion of wound fluid. Anyhow, all these natural side-effects of a micro-needling-treatment against marionette wrinkles should normally subside after approx one week.
Depending on the depth and manifestation of existing marionette wrinkles/wrinkles around the mouth it might be necessary to carry out more micro needling treatments to obtain the desired results.
Treatment of marionette wrinkles with facelift
In case that the marionette wrinkles/wrinkles around the mouth are already very deep and prominent a facelift can provide a long-term and significant improvement auf the skin.
During this surgical intervention the skin surplus is removed in the affected area. The loosely underlying facial muscles are tightened and the remaining skin is tension-free-sewn softening the marionette wrinkles or makes them even disappear.
In a personal consulting I’m glad to advise you individually about how facelift can be deployed to soften or even remove your marionette folds.
How can I prevent/avoid marionette wrinkles?
Even if marionette wrinkles and wrinkles around the mouth are result of a natural aging process you don’t have to accept them without any “resistance”. Marionette wrinkles can at least to a certain extend be prevented in self-management and their deepening and extension can be slowed down – with an appropriate and regular skin care and a daily workout of the facial muscles.
Summary Treatment of Marionette Wrinkles / Mouth Wrinkles
Marionette wrinkles and wrinkles around the mouth are mimic folds that form as the result of the natural movement of the mouth its muscles as well as a consequence of the biological aging process of the skin. With time the vertical from the corners of the mouth to the chin running marionette wrinkles dig deeper and deeper into the skin to finally become permanently visible.
Permanently downward-pointing corners of the mouth convey a moody and grumpy appearance to the counterparts. Fortunately there are several treatments to smooth-up existing marionette wrinkles. A successful treatment with one or even a combination of methods of course depends upon the manifestation, characteristics and shape of the marionette wrinkles.
Which treatment options is the most appropriate strongly depends on the individual preconditions, expectations and other individual factors.
Accordingly a personal and in-detail advice is the best medicine to treat annoying wrinkles around the mouth – including a special view on individual needs and last not least an extensive experience in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery.
My team and I look forward to your contact and welcome you personally for a discussion with you, in our state-of-the-art equipped practice in Munich.
Marionette wrinkles treatment Munich
As a proven expert in the field of wrinkles treatment and with years of experience in the field of gentle and sustainable wrinkle smoothing and wrinkle removal you benefit from various advantages:
Awarded specialist for plastic & aesthetic surgery
Over 2000 operations - experience from practice & further education

Cheek wrinkles & further wrinkle treatments
May it be marionette wrinkles or other wrinkles – find more about different wrinkle treatments: