What really helps against crow’s feet?

 Maximum success with a minimally invasive method – innovative Meso Threads for a perfect result

How crow’s feet wrinkles fade: Crow’s feet wrinkle treatment Munich

Although crow’s feet that form at the outer corners of the eye respectively around the lid edge are often referred to as smile lines they are no laughing matter for women concerned. On the contrary, many women perceive these expression lines around the eye area that radiate in all directions as rather disturbing and annoying.

Fortunately, there is a number of methods that allow a sustainable and successful treatment and fading of crow’s feet wrinkles.

Your skin around the outer corners of the eyes regains more elasticity and volume and you will benefit from an overall rejuvenated and fresher appearance. In the following you will learn more about the different treatments of crow’s feet wrinkles, how to achieve maximum success and which treatment methods can do best for your individual smile lines.

How do crow’s feet wrinkles differ?

Crow’s feet wrinkles are expression lines, which in younger age appear as dynamic laughing lines and are only visible when the annular musculus orbicularis oculi (the muscle that controls the movement around your eyes) is contracted, i.e. when blinking, eye pinching, laughing.

The more the skin loses its elasticity, the thinner the skin gets in the area around the eyes and the more the loss of moisture increases within the natural aging process the deeper the laughing lines form and the more permanent they remain visible – even then when there is actually no muscle movement. This is when, at the latest, laughing lines turn into crow’s feet wrinkles.

In which areas do crow’s feet wrinkles form?

Crow’s feet wrinkles form in the facial area especially around the outer corners of the eyes respectively around the lid edge.

From there they radiate in all directions reaching the forehead and the upper cheeks.

How to treat crow’s feet wrinkles

Depending on the characteristics, form and depth of the wrinkles around the eyes there are several treatments and even combinations of corresponding interventions which promise success.

As crow’s feet form as individual as the skin structure is unfortunately there is no general answer to the best suited treatment for crow’s feet wrinkles. It is therefore all the more important to have an individually tailored advice by a proven wrinkles expert. As an experienced specialist of wrinkles treatment I offer my patients a comprehensive expert advice on all questions related to a successful and sustainable treatment of wrinkles.

I am pleased to welcome you to a first personal conversation to give you transparent and comprehensive information about the several existing crow’s feet wrinkles treatments. Together we will find out which one is best suited for your individual laugh lines and crow’s feet wrinkles.

Deployment of Meso Threads against crow’s feet wrinkles

To smoothen, fade or even eliminate eye wrinkles and to tighten the skin in the area around your eyes by the deployment of Meso Threads we use 100 % biodegradable Polydioxanon (PDO) threads. This minimally invasive method is carried out without surgery or scalpel. Under selective anesthesia the Meso Threads are inserted with a very thin cannula in the affected area. Moreover the threads completely dissolve by themselves after twelve months.

The result of the Meso Threads insertion: An immediately visible firmer skin as if some had turned back the time of skin’s aging process.

On my page Thread Lifting with Meso Threads you will find all important information about this innovative wrinkles treatment.

How to eliminate crow’s feet wrinkles

Crow’s feet wrinkles treatment with Meso Threads

Depending on the treatment focus we use differently shaped Meso Threads, all 100 % biodegradable:

– Tension Threads/Tensors with bidirectional barbs are used to tightened the skin.

– Plain threads are used to strech the skin, upholster deep wrinkles and to stimulate and increase the collagen production

Crow’s feet wrinkles and laser

With using a fractional laser for the treatment of crow’s feet wrinkles short and ultra-short light pulses are little by little fired against the upper skin levels. The aim is to activate the self-renewal forces of the skin. The production of endogenous collagen and of skin’s elastic fibres is stimulated. With the start of the body’s natural self healing process lighter and even more pronounced crow’s feet wrinkles can be softened or even completely eliminated.

Alternatively, crow’s feet wrinkles respectively creases can be treated with a laser that fires high energy pulses on the upper skin levels and thinly removes the superficial layer of the skin. The result: A firmer and smoother skin.

As for many mimic/expression wrinkles that are softened with the application of a laser it is also true for crow’s feet wrinkles that deeper layers of the skin and hence already deep wrinkles can only be slightly mitigated but not completely removed.

As for the side effects of a laser treatment against crow’s feet wrinkles there can occur light or stronger skin reddening and/or light swellings on or around the treated skin area(s) which normally subside after a short time. In a personal consultation in my modern practice in Munich I will be happy to individually and in detail consult you about the pros and cons of the laser-based treatment of crow’s feet wrinkles.

Injections of Hyaluron acid or Botulinumtoxin against crow’s feet wrinkles

Injection of hyaluronic acid against crow’s feet

Mild to moderate forms of crow’s feet wrinkles can be treated by injecting of body-identical Hyaluron acid used as filler. After applying a numbing/ anaesthetic cream on the affected area(s) the Hyaluron acid is injected under the skin – over a wide area or in several lower dosages.

With the injection of the moisturising hyaluronic acid cell regeneration and renewal are activated which leads to an immediately visible smoothing and tightening of the skin and makes creases merely visible.

Anyhow there are also some possible side effects that might occur after the injection of Hyaluronic acid to mitigate or even eliminate crow’s feet wrinkles, i.e. temporary reddening, swellings and bruises on and around the treated areas which normally subside after a short time.

Find more information on my page Hyaluron Filler.

Injection of nerve toxin /neurotoxin against crow’s feet wrinkles

The Injection of nerve toxin /neurotoxin (Botulinumtoxin treatment) against crow’s feet wrinkles is carried in low dosages and in the area around the eyes. This leads to a relaxation of the annular musculus orbicularis oculi and to a smoothing of the skin around the eyes. As a result of this restricted muscular activity the formation of new wrinkles around the outer corners of the eye and the lid edge is prevented. Additionally, already existing crow’s feet wrinkles cannot dig deeper into the skin.

The muscular inhibition/relaxation and the resulting strongly reduced muscular activity lasts for approx. three to six months. After that the Injection of Botulinumtoxin should be repeated to maintain the obtained results.

As a result of the Botulinumtoxin injection and during its period of efficacy the natural facial expressions are at least restricted or even slightly impaired.

The side effect of the treatment of crow’s feet wrinkles/laughing lines with Botulinumtoxin injections can lead to an unnatural or even mask-like look.

As a proven expert for crow’s feet wrinkles I am looking forward to consult you individually and in detail in my state-of-the-art equipped practice for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery in Munich about the pros and cons of the treatment of crow’s feet wrinkles with Botulinumtoxin injections.

Treatment of crow’s feet wrinkles with an eyelid lifting

This method can especially be used in cases that crow’s feet wrinkles appear in conjunction with eye bags and drooping eyelids. During an eyelid lifting superfluous skin and fat tissue are removed and the eye-ring musculature of the eyelid is tightened. As a result the crow’s feet wrinkles around the eyes don’t appear too prominent anymore. Anyhow they cannot be eliminated completely.

Since an eyelid lifting is an operation you should accordingly consider necessary rest and “downtime” periods (approx. 14 days). This is the time your skin needs to let the swelling subside. Find more information on my pages Upper Lid Lifting and Eyelid Lifting.

I am looking forward to consult you individually and in detail on all aspects regards the treatment of crow’s feet wrinkles with an eyelid lifting

Self blood/autologous blood treatment against crow’s feet wrinkles

This therapy is also known as Vampire Facelift/Vampire Facials or Dracula Therapy. Self blood/autologous blood treatment uses the body’s natural self healing forces as during this treatment autologous blood is extracted, centrifuged and treated. Finally the plasma rich proteins are re-injected to stimulate the growth of the skin cells. This for its part leads to a formation of moisturising endogenous collagen. The body gets the self-healing process going and the skin regenerates. On my page Self blood/autologous blood therapy to treat wrinkles you will learn all about how self blood treatment can lead to visible results when treating crow’s feet wrinkles.

Micro Needling against crow’s feet wrinkles

To put it simple during a Micro Needling treatment a medical dermaroller is rolled over the skin. The dermaroller there is attached a number of a few millimetres long micro needles. These needles penetrate the upper skin layer. This intentional infliction of many small injuries finally gets the self healing forces of the skin going. The blood circulation is stimulated, the nourishment of the skin is improved and endogenous collagen is produced at a higher level. A new and smoother skin layer is formed.

Micro Needling particulary promises good results if the crow’s feet wrinkles are still less pronounced. The deeper the wrinkles around the eyes are the deeper the micro needles have to penetrate the skin.

As a result of the infliction of numerous small wounds there might occur reddening, swellings and the secretion of wound fluid which should normally subside after a couple of weeks.

In addition it has to be mentioned that depending on the form and depth of the crow’s feet wrinkles it might take more than one micro needling intervention to obtain the desired results.

On my page Micro-Needling: The effective wrinkles treatment you will find all important information about how micro needling can be effetively deployed to mitigate and smoothen or even to eliminate crow’s feet wrinkles and laughing lines.

How to prevent crow’s feet wrinkles

Laughing lines or crow’s feet lines form through natural facial expressions as well as the result of the biological aging process of the skin. Both – , i.e. blinking, eye pinching, laughing and the decreasing elasticity and moisture of the skin – can’t be totally avoided. Not to mention that a life without laughing would be unimaginable.

Andererseits müssen Ihre Krähenfüße dennoch nicht zu Ihren liebsten Begleitern werden. Was Sie neben den oben angeführten Behandlungsmethoden selbst zur Vermeidung und Verringerung permanenter und tiefer Lachfalten unternehmen können, und welche Tipps und Tricks dabei helfen, habe ich auf meiner Seite „Falten vermeiden?“ übersichtlich für Sie zusammengefasst.

Summary crow’s feet wrinkles

Lachfalten bzw. Krähenfüße/Knitterfältchen entstehen sowohl durch die natürliche Mimik wie auch durch den biologischen Alterungsprozesses der Haut. Beides – also Blinzeln, Zwinkern oder Lächeln ebenso wie nachlassende Elastizität und abnehmende Feuchtigkeit der Haut – lässt sich nicht von Grund auf vermeiden. Zudem wäre ein Leben ohne solch schöne Gefühlsregungen wie das Lächeln auch nicht denkbar.

Andererseits müssen Ihre Krähenfüße dennoch nicht zu Ihren liebsten Begleitern werden. Was Sie neben den oben angeführten Behandlungsmethoden selbst zur Vermeidung und Verringerung permanenter und tiefer Lachfalten unternehmen können, und welche Tipps und Tricks dabei helfen, habe ich auf meiner Seite „Wie vermeide ich Falten?“ übersichtlich für Sie zusammengefasst.

Crow’s feet wrinkles – Munich

As a proven expert of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery and a Specialist for crow’s feet wrinkles with a state-of-the-art equipped practice in Munich you benefit from various advantages:

Award-winning specialist for plastic & aesthetic surgery

Over 2000 operations - experience from practice & further training

Crow’s feet wrinkles & further wrinkle treatmen

May it be crow’s feet wrinkles or other wrinkles – find more about different wrinkle treatments:

Cheek wrinkles treatment

Neck wrinkles treatment

Lip wrinkles treatment